Saturday, May 23, 2009

Attractive Photoshop tutorial

Designing Cool Bow

Designing Cool Bow

This Photoshop tutorial will explain you how to design similar to the vector bow using Dodge Tool and Burn Tool.

Now, firstly, you’ll have to create a new document in which you can make this design. For this tutorial I’m going to be using a size of 500×300 pixels with the default resolution (DPI) of 72 and add in the background that you want. I used linear gradient with colors of #fea289 and #fef43e.

Designing Cool Bow 01

Ok, now select the Pen Tool and create a shape like on my screenshot using color of #eb1502:

Designing Cool Bow 02

After that rasterize shape with Layer > Rasterize > Shape. Create two new shapes in the same way.

Designing Cool Bow 03

Designing Cool Bow 04

Select the Burn Tool (Brush: 45 px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 25%) and make a little burn-work with one of the shapes like on picture below.

Designing Cool Bow 05

Go to the lower layer and select it with Select > Load Selection, after that apply Select > Modify > Contract to contract selection about 3 pixels. Create a new layer and fill selected area with yellow color (#ffe826).

Designing Cool Bow 06

Apply Select > Modify > Contract one more time and contract selection about 3 pixels again. Then press Delete to clear selection and remove selection with Ctrl+D.

Designing Cool Bow 07

Select the Eraser Tool and a sharp round brush about 20 pixels to cut away part of yellow line like on my picture below:

Designing Cool Bow 08

Looks like unfinished line now. To finish this line use the Brush Tool and a sharp rounded brush about 3 pixels to draw the part of line (use the color of #ffe826):

Designing Cool Bow 09

Now, merge this layer with previous. Ok, not looking so great, yet! I would like to add some design to the ribbon. We can use brushes for this. You can use my brushes or your own it does not meter. Select the color of #ffe826 and print the design as on picture below.

Designing Cool Bow 10

Use Edit > Free Transform to rotate it a little bit like on my screenshot:

Designing Cool Bow 11

Select the Polygonal Lasso Tool and make selection as below to cut away unnecessary part of design and press Delete to clear selected part.

Designing Cool Bow 12

Remove the selection with Ctrl+D and merge this layer with previous. Get out the Dodge Tool (Soft round brush about 45 px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 50%) and make a little dodge-work to create highlight on the ribbon.

Designing Cool Bow 13

Now, select the Burn Tool (Soft round brush about 40 px, Range: Shadows, Exposure: 50%) and make darken part of the ribbon to bring it dimensional view.

Designing Cool Bow 14

Ok, time to finish off the bow design. Go to the lower layer with ribbon and select it with Select > Load Selection, use Select > Modify > Contract to contract selection about 3 pixels and fill the selection with color of #ffe826.

Designing Cool Bow 15

Now use Select > Modify > Contract to contract selection about 3 pixels again and press Delete to clear selected area.

Designing Cool Bow 16

Remove the selection using Select > Deselect (or use Ctrl+D). So, after that get out the Eraser Tool and a sharp round brush about 20 pixels to cut away part of yellow line like below:

Designing Cool Bow 17

Use the Brush Tool and a sharp rounded brush about 3 pixels to finish off lines with color of #ffe826.

Designing Cool Bow 18

Merge this one layer with previous and then use the Dodge Tool (Soft round brush about 45 px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 50%) to make a couple of highlights on the ribbon:

Designing Cool Bow 19

Now, time to bring dark spots to the ribbon to make it more realistic. For this effect use the Burn Tool (Soft round brush about 40 px, Range: Shadows, Exposure: 50%) to get the result as on my picture you can see below:

Designing Cool Bow 20

After that merge all of layers of the bow in one and apply following Blending Options:
Drop Shadow
Outer Glow

Designing Cool Bow 21

Designing Cool Bow 22

See the result now:

Designing Cool Bow 23

Well, we’re done for this tutorial! I hope it was sufficient and useful for you. Good luck!

Designing Cool Bow 24

Monday, May 18, 2009

This is tutorial site.

I am pankaj debnath. I am study in CSE. I am live in Dhaka.

Eye Effect by Photoshop

Fig. 1

It's time to have some fun again :)
This is a pretty easy tutorial, but with a little imagination you can make some really funny figures.

Open up a new document - I used white background - and create a new layer called Eyeball.

Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and make a perfect circle selection by pressing Shift while dragging the selection. Fill your selection with white color and apply these layer styles.

Fig. 2

Now create a new layer - call this layer Eye.

Now drag a new circle selection and fill this selection with your desired eye color.

Then apply some Inner Glow layer style with these settings.

Fig. 3

Create a new layer and call this layer Pupil.

Use the Elliptical Marquee Tool again to make a new circle and fill the selection with black color.

Then make the final layer - call this layer Reflection.

Again use the Elliptical Marquee Tool to make a selection similar to mine in figure 3 - and fill the selection with white.

Fig. 4

Use the transform option (Edit - Transform - Rotate) to rotate the white Reflection layer like shown in figure 4, and nudge the layer up and to the right until you get it into the right position.

And that's it!

Below is a couple of characters I made to give you some inspiration :)

Have fun!