Saturday, June 27, 2009

photoshop tutorial

This lesson will teach you how to make a plastic sachet. We will be using plastic wrap filter as well as other technique to make it look more real.

Final Result
scr91 Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

This Tutorial, would like to make into two parts. Basic and advanced. Now lets go for a basic tut, followed advanced.

This is useful for people who works on warp-designs for products.

Open a document 500px X 500 px.

Select the marquee tool (M) and draw a square 300 x 300 px.

Fill it with lemon yellow color(#f9be2e). This will be the base color of the sachet. If you have plans to make a red sachet, use red color.

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Next select the rectangular shape tool (U). Draw a rectangle 300px width and height 30px as shown below. We need to modify this shape.

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Select the shape and right click to open the menu. Select the Warp from the menu.

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Move the top corner handles as shown below. Not necessary it should be exact. Press Enter Key to apply transform.

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Make a similar rectangle of same width and height and as did above apply Warp and make it convex shape. Press Enter Key to apply transform.

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Duplicate the Path, by holding the Alt+Move tool (V) to 10px down. Repeat the same process once again. Now you have 3 lines as shown below.

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Draw the paths for the bottom part with the same steps applied for the top.

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From the tool bar select the polygonal Lasso tool (L). Draw as shown below and join the end from where you started.

Select the middle part layer. Hit the Delete Key, to remove the area. This is to make the folding of the sachet.

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As did for the left side , make a selection for the right side and use the same steps to cut the edges.

Now, from the toolbar, selct the Pen tool (P), draw a Path along the edge of the shape .

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Create another one layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Name it “highlights” .

With the same Polygonal Lasso Tool draw shape as below.

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Now fill it with white color.

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In the same layer draw few more shapes where the folds or edges are folded as shown below.

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From the Filter menu (Alt+t) select Blur > Gussian Blur.

Drag the slider to 6.0 . See the result below. You can see the plastic sachet molding up.

scrn-before-filter Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

Now lets go to make some salty chips.

Create a new layer. Make a rectangle with marquee tool . Fill it with color. I ve used here is #fdfddd.

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Go the Filters Gallery in the Filter menu.

Select the Texture which is the last one. Click to open more filters.

Select the Texturizer. You will get more settings on the right side which is shown below.

Press OK to apply the filter.

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Next we will apply Motion Blur.

From the Filter Menu , select Blur > Motion Blur.

Apply the following settings. Press OK.

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Draw an ellipse with the Elliptical Marquee tool.

Invert the selection by holding Ctrl+Shift+I.

Hit the Delete key to remove the inverted area.

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Duplicate the chips layer.

From the Filter Menu, next we will use Twirl, which is in the ——————–

Drag the angle slider to 50. See the preview.

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Duplicate another layer. Select the layer. Press Ctrl+F to apply the previous used filter.

You can play around with many shapes.

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Place the logo (pic)

Place the chips and arrange it. Apply some drop shadow. Increase the size if the shadow opacity to 50%.

withchips1 Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

After arranging all the layers, make a ‘New Group from Layer’ from the Layers channel (for further editing). Hide the group.

Duplicate the layer group . Select all the layers and flatten (Ctrl+E).

Apply plastic wrap to give depth from the filter gallery.

Change the settings to the following. You might have to make some variations in the values, depending on the color you have chosen.

Try to get the maximum, by visually looking at it, in the preview window.

pw1 Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

Tear the edge by using Lasso tool. Just draw a torn shape around the edge as shown below.

pw2 Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

Rotate the torn by first moving the center point to base. Now rotate to 50 -60 degree from the option menu or manually.

pw3 Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

Add perspective by selecting the layer. Press Ctrl +T . right click and select the bottom nodes.

Change the values of H to -7.5 or do it manually to get the result.

pw4 Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

Press Ctrl+T and rotate the sachet at 110 degree.

pw5 Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

Add chips falling below the sachet layer .

withchips_pwrap7 Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

Add drop shadow to the sachet.

pw6 Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

Add drop shadow to chips too

scr7_chips_fallingset Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

See the results.

pw8 Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

Add a dark background color #691222.

The end results will be like below

scr91 Create Packaging Design in Photoshop

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Eye Effect by Photoshop

Fig. 1

It's time to have some fun again :)
This is a pretty easy tutorial, but with a little imagination you can make some really funny figures.

Open up a new document - I used white background - and create a new layer called Eyeball.

Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and make a perfect circle selection by pressing Shift while dragging the selection. Fill your selection with white color and apply these layer styles.

Fig. 2

Now create a new layer - call this layer Eye.

Now drag a new circle selection and fill this selection with your desired eye color.

Then apply some Inner Glow layer style with these settings.

Fig. 3

Create a new layer and call this layer Pupil.

Use the Elliptical Marquee Tool again to make a new circle and fill the selection with black color.

Then make the final layer - call this layer Reflection.

Again use the Elliptical Marquee Tool to make a selection similar to mine in figure 3 - and fill the selection with white.

Fig. 4

Use the transform option (Edit - Transform - Rotate) to rotate the white Reflection layer like shown in figure 4, and nudge the layer up and to the right until you get it into the right position.

And that's it!

Below is a couple of characters I made to give you some inspiration :)

Have fun!