Saturday, June 27, 2009

photoshop tutorial

This tutorial will teach you how to illustrate a burger as done in Illustrator.

Final result

Final result

Let me tell You first of all. There no hard and fast rule for doing this tutorial. You can modify which should at last look visually good.
Open a document 600px X 400px. Create a new layer. Next, create an ellipse as shown and fill it with #9b5524 color.
screen021 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
By using the ellipse marquee tool, create a ellipse like below.
screen03 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Invert the selection (Ctrl+Shift+I), and hit delete key to remove the area.
screen4 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Now duplicate the layer.
screen5 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Select the newly created layer and apply transform (ctrl+T). Select scale and scale down to 85% - 90%. No hard and fast rule. Scale a little so that an outline like below can be seen. Change the layer style to “Screen”
screen7aa Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Repeat the same by duplicating an transforming a new layer. Apply the same layer stlye. It would look like this.
screen8 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Now create a rounded rectangle, same as the width of the top (half bun) by selecting the shape tool (ctrl+U). From the options on top , change the radius to 30 px. Fill with the same color we used for the first layer.
Now using the transform tool (Ctrl+T) select the “warp” and shape is like below.
Now duplicate as we did for the top part, by duplicating layers > transforming> change layer style to “Screen”
Create an ellipse as below with #ffe0b1 filled.
screen19aa Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Now select the dark colored layer and the ellipse layer (#ffe0b1). Duplicate both and place it on top of these layers.
Change the color of the dark layer to #6d4732 and the ellipse to #855b45.
screen20aa Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Now we have to make sliced tomatoes.
Step 1. Draw a ellipse shape with #ef9a5a.
Step 2. Apply Strokes, from the Layer style> stroke size to 8px. Change the color of strokes to #d60000.
Step 3. Select shapes > Custom shapes> select flower6, color it with #ffd193
Step 4. Select all the layers and by using the transform menu scale it vertically to 50%.
Step 5. Create a rectangle shape of 10px height and apply Transform >Warp. Move the bottom handles down to get the concave shape.
Step 6. Place the concave layer below all the tomato layers.
make_tomatoes Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
By changing the colors, it will look like cucumber, blueberry….. or whatever you wish to put.
Now lets make leaf. For that we need to create a rectangle and fill it with green color (#48cd00).
screen271 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
From the filters menu select > Distort > Wave. And apply the following settings. You will get a wave effect.
screen28 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Select the dodge tool from the tools. Make the brush size to 40 and Exposure to 100%. Now on the “up wave” area move the dogge brush 3-4 times. You will get the result shown below. Repeat the same for the rest.
screen29 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Now lets create a cheese slice. Make a sleek rectangle shape, height around 8-10px with #fde289 color. Next draw another bigger rectangle of 70px height, and apply #fcd86a .Now add perspective by right clicking the bigger rectangle as shown below. Select perspective and change the ” H ” (horizontal skew) to 35. Select both the layers and merge it. (ctrl+E)
screen30 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Now apply a wave with the below given settings.
screen31 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Arrange tomatoes one by one on top of the cheese (4 -5 nos.)
screen32 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Now repeat the same by laying the cheese slice again and on top arranging the cucumber and blueberry.
screen36 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Now on top pour some jam. For that make a shape as below and fill it with #971112 color.
screen39 Illustrate a Burger in Photoshop
Bring the top part of the bun closer down. Arrange all properly and tighten it.
Make small dots on the top part of the bun to spread some sesame seeds.
Hope You enjoyed doing it.

Final result

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Eye Effect by Photoshop

Fig. 1

It's time to have some fun again :)
This is a pretty easy tutorial, but with a little imagination you can make some really funny figures.

Open up a new document - I used white background - and create a new layer called Eyeball.

Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and make a perfect circle selection by pressing Shift while dragging the selection. Fill your selection with white color and apply these layer styles.

Fig. 2

Now create a new layer - call this layer Eye.

Now drag a new circle selection and fill this selection with your desired eye color.

Then apply some Inner Glow layer style with these settings.

Fig. 3

Create a new layer and call this layer Pupil.

Use the Elliptical Marquee Tool again to make a new circle and fill the selection with black color.

Then make the final layer - call this layer Reflection.

Again use the Elliptical Marquee Tool to make a selection similar to mine in figure 3 - and fill the selection with white.

Fig. 4

Use the transform option (Edit - Transform - Rotate) to rotate the white Reflection layer like shown in figure 4, and nudge the layer up and to the right until you get it into the right position.

And that's it!

Below is a couple of characters I made to give you some inspiration :)

Have fun!